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Blaze VOX2k9   Late Spring 2009


Kiss Your Elbow
or, only the sick appreciate good health

Do you know how many wonderful things the human elbow and forearm perform? Well a quick stop at Wikipedia will enlighten any interested person in this awesome hinge! At this point you may be wondering why the elbow is brought up in a poetry journal, well I took a nasty fall early in March and dislocated my left elbow. It has been a painful healing process and I am fully recovered. My elbow moved all the ways it once did and I can pick things up once more! It is very exciting, I know. If you may want to hear more, here is my artistic response.

BlazeVOX 2k9

This is an excellent issue, our largest ever! I was busy picking and choosing for this issue while recovering. It was particularly irksome to not be able to fully edit as my heart wanted to do, but I was able to dedicate a bit more time to the selection process. So hurray! We have work from writers at every stage in their career, from first publications to mid career to the well established! There is a delightful interplay between all of these pieces that move around the vastness of contemporary poetry.  

Our goal is to present poetry that does not suck. This is the only criteria for our journal, well that and an interpretive freedom on the part of the contemporary poet, prose poet or fiction writer, with exponents of a wide range of viewpoints brought together to explore. And in that exploration we do not mean one specific interpretive approach. However, the freedom for a poet to come at the poem from a view that might well be extremely unusual but is actually bound up firmly with the content of the poem — an approach that is centered on communicating that content with as much impact and individuality as possible. And with that, I think you will be extremely pleased with this issue!

BlazeVOX [books]

BlazeVOX [books] presents innovative fictions and wide ranging fields of contemporary poetry. We have over 100 titles that will satisfy any taste. Please browse our works and read a 15-page sample of each title. We also have 60 full ebooks, which are all free here. But if it is free poetry you want, check out our 500-page full sample book, which you may download here. What are you waiting here for? Get reading :-)

Our Full Catalog of books:

New BlazeVOX books:

Celia Gilbert                                     Something To Exchange

Barbara Henning                         THIRTY MILES TO ROSEBUD

Janna Plant                                     The Refinery

Alejandro Crawford                         Morpheu

Dan Featherston                         The Radiant World

JJ Colagrande                                     HEADZ

Laura Hinton                                     Sisyphus My Love

Nico Vassilakis                         Disparate Magnets

Joseph Cooper                         Touch Me

Michael Basinski (ed.)                         Gerald Locklin: A Critical Introduction.

Chuck Richardson                         Smoke

Caty Sporleder                                     Flay, A Book of Mu

Gregory Lawless                         I Thought I was New Here

Zachary Bush                                     The Angles of Disorder

Jefferson Hansen                         … and Beefheart Saved Craig

Larissa Shmailo                         In Paran


Order from us:

You may also make a donation to BlazeVOX [books] and we will send you the book of your choice for $15. This includes shipping and is for folks the continental United States. To order, click on the Paypal button below. Please indicate which title you wish in your Paypal payment. You can also make a donation for a big block of BlazeVOX [books] - 10 books for $100. If I may be of any assistance please email me directly at


Best, Geoffrey Gatza | Editor & Publisher | BlazeVOX [books]            






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©2010 BlazeVOX [books] | 303 Bedford Ave. Buffalo, NY 14216 |  

Archaeological Sites
Ashcombs Quarter
Chapline Place
Governor's Land
Jessups Plantation
Mount Vernon
Poplar Forest
Seville Plantation
Stewart Castle
Stratford Hall
Ashcombs Quarter
Chapline Place
Fairfield Quarter
Jessups I
Jessups II
Building l
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House 24
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House 37
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Seville House 16
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Utopia III
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