
Presenting fine works of poetry, fiction, text art, visual poetry and arresting works of creative non-fiction written by authors from around world

BlazeVOX Fall 2020
20th Anniversary Special

Table of Contents


Adam Day

Anatoly Kudryavitsky

André Spears 

Andrew Campion

Ann Pedone

Anna Kapungu

Anne-Adele Wight

Charles Borkhuis 

Cornelia Veenendaal

Daniel Y. Harris

David Rushmer

David Trinidad

Dawson Hardy

Deborah Meadows

Deborah Ritchie

Doug Jones

Ed Makowski

Emalisa Rose

Ethan Goffman

Gregory Wallace

Hannah Wynne

Haley Wednesday

Heller Levinson

Hung Kien Lui

Irene Koronas

J. Chester Johnson

J. D. Nelson

Jeffery Conway

Joseph Harrington

Julie Chou

Kate Noble

K. Alma Peterson

Kevin Thurston

Kristina Marie Darling

Len Krisak

Laura Hinton

Phillip Henry Christopher

Linda King

M. Kaat Toy

Marcia Arrieta

Mark DuCharme

Mark Niedzwiedz

Mary Newell

Matthew Bruce Harrison

Michael Basinski

Michael Gessner

Michael Joyce

Michael Mc Aloran

Michael Kelleher

Michael Ruby

Nava Fader

Neive Pity

Paul Hogan

Patrick Chapman

Peter Siedlecki

Rachel Anszelowicz

Rich Murphy

Roger Craik

Roger G. Singer

Sasha Sinclair

Scott Glassman

Shu Cao Mo

Susan Bowman

Susan Lewis 

Sylvester Close

Tamizh Ponni 

Therese Murphy

Tony Trigilio

Wade Stevenson

Whitney Stewart


Fiction & Prose

The Dutch Girl by Eleanor Levine

an excerpt from her new book Kissing a Tree Surgeon,

(Guernica Editions, 2020)

Two stories by Judith Goode, Gay Life & Last Love 

The Bucket List by Nakia Tinsley

The Elective Übermensch of Zarathustra by Jacob Jirák

In Love and War by Don Donato

Touching the Void by Peter Quinn

There's No Such Thing as a Free Lunch by Mark Hannon

Club 12-21 by S.W. Campbell

Jilin by Stuart Cooke

Your own personal Jesus by Dan A. Cardoza

Key Blanco #1 by Michael Paul Hogan

THE EX-CONSUL by Robert Wexelblatt

THE FRESHET, 1911 by Dorin Schumacher



10 Questions For Roger Craik


Text Art & Vispo 

8 pieces: Mark Young

Parade: hiromi suzuki

Joint Effusive: Barnaby Smith

Acta Biographia — Author Biographies

Hello and welcome to the 20th anniversary issue of BlazeVOX! Presenting fine works of poetry, fiction, text art, visual poetry and arresting works of creative non-fiction written by authors from around world. Do have a look through the links below or browse through the whole issue in our Scribd embedded PDF, which you can download for free and take it with you anywhere on any device. Hurray!

Hip Hip Hurray!
BlazeVOX is celebrating its 20th anniversary! 

It is incredible to think BlazeVOX has been online for twenty years. We started off as a tiny startup project at a small college outside of Buffalo, and over the past two decades, we have created a vibrant, versatile channel for literary and cultural conversations across the world.

To all the members of the literary community for whom this journal speaks, I am honored by the support of such a remarkable group of people. I look forward to continuing these relationships for many years to come. To the writers who have submitted to us over the years, thank you for always looking for a way to make literature new, bold, and exciting.

It is been our honor and pleasure to read your writing, publish your work, and be a part of your reading life. And in case you are worried that this will be the last issue, never fear! I am pleased to let you know that the spirit and drive of the previous twenty years will continue to live on and thrive for another twenty, at least.

Rockets! Geoffrey Gatza, editor



In this issue we seek to avoid answers but rather to ask questions. With a subtle minimalistic approach, this issue of BlazeVOX focuses on the idea of ‘public space’ and more specifically on spaces where anyone can do anything at any given moment: the non-private space, the non-privately owned space, space that is economically uninteresting. The works collected feature coincidental, accidental and unexpected connections, which make it possible to revise literary history and, even, better, to complement it.

Combining unrelated aspects lead to surprising analogies these piece appear as dreamlike images in which fiction and reality meet, well-known tropes merge, meanings shift, past and present fuse. Time and memory always play a key role. In a search for new methods to ‘read the city’, the texts reference post-colonial theory as well as the avant-garde or the post-modern and the left-wing democratic movement as a form of resistance against the logic of the capitalist market system.

Many of the works are about contact with architecture and basic living elements. Energy (heat, light, water), space and landscape are examined in less obvious ways and sometimes develop in absurd ways. By creating situations and breaking the passivity of the spectator, he tries to develop forms that do not follow logical criteria, but are based only on subjective associations and formal parallels, which incite the viewer to make new personal associations. These pieces demonstrate how life extends beyond its own subjective limits and often tells a story about the effects of global cultural interaction over the latter half of the twentieth century. It challenges the binaries we continually reconstruct between Self and Other, between our own ‘cannibal’ and ‘civilized’ selves. Enjoy!

Rockets! Geoffrey Gatza, editor


BlazeVOX21 Spring 2021


BlazeVOX20 Spring 2020