Wilde Reading Room

A Free-to-Download eBook Series

In an increasingly digital age, the accessibility of literature has transformed. A free to download eBook series embodies this shift, offering readers an opportunity to explore new narratives, diverse voices, and innovative storytelling at no cost.

Readers can expect a blend of experimental formats—micro-narratives, interactive poetry, and multi-genre works that encourage engagement beyond the traditional page. This commitment to creativity is paramount, ensuring that the series remains fresh and relevant in a fast-evolving literary landscape.

By embracing the free download model, the series welcomes a wide audience. It removes barriers, allowing anyone with an internet connection to access and enjoy literature, fostering a culture of sharing and discovery. Each download serves as an invitation to explore the limitless potential of words and ideas.

In essence, this free eBook series is not just about offering free literature; it’s about cultivating a community of readers and writers who are eager to experiment and push the boundaries of contemporary narratives. Through this initiative, BlazeVOX [books] continues to champion innovative voices and inspire new conversations in the literary world.

Mobilis in Mobili series

“Mobilis in mobile” is the Latin motto of the submarine Nautilus from the science fiction novel “Twenty Thousand Leagues Under the Sea” by Jules Verne. It can be translated as "moving within the moving elements" or "mobile within the mobile".

The phrase represents the idea of navigating through unknown or uncertain environments while remaining adaptable and flexible. It suggests that one must be able to move within the ever-changing and unpredictable conditions of life, like a mobile object within a fluid medium. For us, this means to change with the times, and, at the time we started this in 2007, ebooks and print on demand were very new things. So these books are part of our Mobilis in Mobili, a free ebook with a printed books that is for sale from our site as well as Amazon.com.