frequently asked questions.
BlazeVOX [books] Mission Statement
BlazeVOX [books] presents innovative fictions and wide ranging fields of contemporary poetry. Our books push at the frontiers of what is possible with our innovative poetry, fiction and select non-fiction and literary criticism. Our fundamental mission is to disseminate poetry, through print and digital media, both within academic spheres and to society at large.
We seek to publish the innovative works of the greatest minds writing poetry today, from the most respected senior poets to extraordinarily promising young writers. We select for publication only the highest quality of writing on all levels regardless of commercial viability. Our outlets of publication strive to enrich cultural and intellectual life, and foster regional pride and accomplishments.
BlazeVOX [books] consciously acquires a collection of titles providing focus, continuity, and a basis for the development of future publications. Through the publication of works of significance, BlazeVOX [books] is committed to the dissemination of knowledge.
BlazeVOX (TM) and BlazeVOX [Books] (TM) are trademarks and intellectual property owned by BlazeVOX books & Geoffrey Gatza.
History of the Press
Our history began in 1999 as a college project, publishing an online student-run poetry journal for the Daemen College on a very limited budget. The success of this online format grew into BlazeVOX, an online journal of voice, which first published in the Fall of 2000, it is still in active publication today. In 2005 we began using print-on-demand publishing to bring out our very first books, included in that first run of authors are Kazim Ali and Amy King. Since then our catalog has grown by leaps and bounds. Our family of fine writers includes Bill Berkson, Anne Waldman, Clayton Eschleman, Lee Ann Brown, Tom Clark, Ray Federman, Barbara Henning, Michael Boughn, Gloria Frym, Ron Silliman and Steve McCaffery .BlazeVOX’s enthusiasm for innovation is reflected in our continuing exploration of the electronic frontier. Since the late 1990s, we have experimented with generation after generation of electronic publishing tools. From those large desktop computer systems and the many forms of HTML, through our present-day use of print-on-demand production technologies, our intensive use of the Internet, and our commitment to new electronic products—whether digital journals or entirely new forms of communication—we have continued to look for the most efficient and effective means to serve our readership. These readers have come to expect excellence from our publications, and they can count on us to maintain a commitment to producing rigorous and innovative books in whatever forms the future of publishing may bring.
Submission Guideline
Articles of submission for our books and journal depend on many criteria, but overall items submitted must conform to one ethereal trait, your work must not suck. This put plainly, bad art should be punished; we will not promote it. However, all submissions will be reviewed and the author will receive feedback. We are human too. Please send your work. BlazeVOX [books] had recognized a deficiency in our publication catalog. We are now in the process of developing a book series that promotes the work of women who are courageous, innovative, definition defying writers. As always, we support the work of the Polis!
Contact by email editor@blazevox.org or use our quick contact form here
We are always looking for new materials. We are a bit full as you can imagine, but we always have room for one more. Please send the manuscript to this email address in either a Microsoft Word doc, RTF, or even a PDF is fine. Thanks for thinking of BlazeVOX.
To send work for our Journal, BlazeVOX
Please email you work to editor@blazevox.org.
To send a manuscript to BlazeVOX books please email you work to editor@blazevox.org
Some Tidbits about publishing at BlazeVOX [books]
If you wish to submit to BlazeVOX [books], please read the following summary:
We are currently accepting poetry and fiction submissions.
We only publish in the following areas: poetry, short stories, experimental fiction, literary criticism (including companions, studies and histories).
We pay 10% royalties on fiction and poetry books, based on net receipts. This amount may be split across multiple contributors.
We actively contract and support authors who tour, read and perform their work, play an active part of the contemporary literary scene, and seek a readership.
We sell books to authors at wholesale discount, and these copies may be sold direct to consumers at readings and events.
We do not sell books to authors on a sale or return basis.
We do produce postcards, catalogues and other promotional material at our own expense.
We do not pay advances.
We retain full control over all aspects of design, including the text and the cover, including cover illustrations.
We do not organize author tours or act as agents.
We do not normally organize reading tours, though we may organize events.
We do require audio and video podcasts of authors. You should be prepared to assist in a wide range of marketing practices, including social networking sites and blogs.
We do not pay for permissions fees.
We do not pay for the author's use of illustrations or photography.
We do publish authors who have a current track record of publication in broadsheets, magazines and journals.
We no longer accept paper submissions for any poetry.
We are happy to receive submissions that have been sent synchronously to other publishers (i.e. multiple submissions are acceptable).
No materials will be returned to the author or editor, please do not send precious or irreplaceable materials.
All rules are made to be broken.
It is important that you understand the basics of desktop publishing.
Geoffrey Gatza
Geoffrey Gatza is an award winning editor, publisher and poet. He is the driving force behind BlazeVOX, a small press located in Buffalo, NY -
Clarice Waldman
Alysious Werner
Chevy Maddox
Shinwell Johnson