
Presenting fine works of poetry, fiction, text art, visual poetry and arresting works of creative non-fiction written by authors from around world

BlazeVOX24 Fall 2024

Table of Contents


Andrew Weatherly

Anne Pitkin

Astra Rider

Austen Roye

Ben Macnair

Brenda Mox

Brian Strang

Chris Bullard

Colin Ian Jeffery

David A. Bishop 

Emalisa Rose

Geoffrey Gatza

George Freek

Giulio Maffii

Gordon Scapens

Gregg Norman

Harrison Fisher

Hassan Melehy

Jack Sullivan

Jacqueline Jules

Jan Heiss

Jan Wiezorek 

JB Malory

Jeffrey Zable

Jon Ballard

Joshua Martin

Julia Nunnally Duncan

Linda King

Marc Meierkort

Marcia Arrieta

Mary Newell

Matt Turner

Michael Berton

Michael Gardner

Michael J Pagán 

Michael Mc Aloran

Michele F Sweeney

Mitch Corber

Naomi Buck Palagi 

Ndaba Sibanda

Partha Sarkar

Patrick Theron Erickson

Paula Reed Nancarrow

Rich Murphy

Roger Craik

Roger G. Singer

Stephen Bett

Tara Zafft

Tate Lewis-Carroll

Terry Trowbridge

Tim McCoy

William Pruitt 

Poetry Extra Extra

Charles Borkhuis
5 poems from a longer poem called POINT OF NO RETURN

Heller Levinson
4 poems from Crossfall, a new book coming out in spring 2025  from Black Widow Press.

Brenda Mann Hammack
Six Selections from "The Living Dead Woman Sonnets


Soft Opening
Kevin Thurston


Outside The Dream Syndicate   
Joel Lewis

Text Art & Vispo

Jasper Glen
Three Vispo Pieces 

Mark Young
Six Visual Pieces

Robert Fleming
Nine Visual Pieces

Serse Luigetti  
Seven Text Art Pieces


Carib Fire
Ajam Rosado

I Hope The Forest Fires Burn Up All The Ticks
Alex Rost  

The Vending Machine
Alice Nord

The Argument for the Artist
David Halliday

A Stranger In These Woods
Elise McFarlane

Three Flash Fictions
Elijah Sparkman

Dennis Jordan

The Unnamable
Geoff Wyss

Pact with Death
Marcelo Medone 

The Transformation
Mark Higham

Three Flash Fictions
Robert Wexelblatt 

Keep Your Enemies Close
William Luvaas

This Is How They Met
Wayne McCray

The Best of You To Love and the Worst of You To Hold
Zena Wronka


Acta BiographiaAuthor Biographies

Hello and welcome to the Spring 2024 issue of BlazeVOX! Presenting fine works of poetry, fiction, text art, visual poetry and arresting works of creative non-fiction written by authors from around world. Do have a look through the links below or browse through the whole issue in our Scribd embedded PDF, which you can download for free and take it with you anywhere on any device. Hurray!


In this issue we seek to avoid answers but rather to ask questions. With a subtle minimalistic approach, this issue of BlazeVOX focuses on the idea of ‘public space’ and more specifically on spaces where anyone can do anything at any given moment: the non-private space, the non-privately owned space, space that is economically uninteresting. The works collected feature coincidental, accidental and unexpected connections, which make it possible to revise literary history and, even, better, to complement it.

Combining unrelated aspects lead to surprising analogies these piece appear as dreamlike images in which fiction and reality meet, well-known tropes merge, meanings shift, past and present fuse. Time and memory always play a key role. In a search for new methods to ‘read the city’, the texts reference post-colonial theory as well as the avant-garde or the post-modern and the left-wing democratic movement as a form of resistance against the logic of the capitalist market system.

Many of the works are about contact with architecture and basic living elements. Energy (heat, light, water), space and landscape are examined in less obvious ways and sometimes develop in absurd ways. By creating situations and breaking the passivity of the spectator, he tries to develop forms that do not follow logical criteria, but are based only on subjective associations and formal parallels, which incite the viewer to make new personal associations. These pieces demonstrate how life extends beyond its own subjective limits and often tells a story about the effects of global cultural interaction over the latter half of the twentieth century. It challenges the binaries we continually reconstruct between Self and Other, between our own ‘cannibal’ and ‘civilized’ selves. Enjoy!

Rockets! Geoffrey Gatza, editor


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