Hello World

We are very excited to announce the launch of our newly designed website. Visit us at http://www.blazevox.org. After months of hard work and dedication, we are delighted to officially announce the launch on August 20, 2024. We wanted to make the new website faster, easier to navigate, and more user-friendly.

Our goal with this new website is to provide our visitors an easier way to experience BlazeVOX’s vast catalog of experimental poetry, critical thinking, and innovative fictions. The new website gives better access to our 25 years of BlazeVOX online journal, our Phoneme Blog, our annual Thanksgiving menu-poems, Submission pages, as well as an improved BookShop.

Amongst the new features the site contains integrated social media buttons for Facebook, Twitter and Instagram to foster improved communication with our readers. We will be constantly updating our content with helpful information, cutting edge writing, new book announcements and our authors successes. You can also sign up for our BlazeVOX Monthly newsletter.

We would also like to thank our amazing staff at BlazeVOX who donated their time and energy to make this site what it is! Hurray!

For any questions, suggestions, feedback or comments, please E-mail us.

Thank You!

Geoffrey Gatza

Geoffrey Gatza

Bio Note: Geoffrey Gatza is the author of the poetry collections The House of Forgetting (2012), Apollo: A Conceptual Poem (2014), and A Dog Lost in the Brick City of Outlawed Trees (2018).


Divya Victor, in an article for poetryfoundation.org, said of Apollo: A Conceptual Poem “The diversity of these works echoes the complexities of the subject, but together they posit something specific, the heightened relationship between the interior self and the exterior world.”


Gatza’s poems have been published in anthologies, as well as magazines and journals including Fence, Tarpaulin Sky, The Pickled Body, Peach Mag, Tupelo Quarterly and various others. His play on Marcel Duchamp was staged in an art installation in Philadelphia and performed in NYC.


Gatza is an award-winning editor, publisher and poet. He is the driving force behind BlazeVOX, an independent press located in Buffalo, NY, specializing in innovative fictions and wide ranging fields of contemporary poetry. Geoffrey Gatza is lives in Kenmore, NY.




H.L. Hix interviewed by Deborah Kalb


Joshua Martin Reviews Irene Koronas' gnōstos and Daniel Y. Harris’ The Metempsychosis of Salvador Dracu in Synchronized Chaos.