Thanksgiving Menu Poem
a concept poem structured around the thanksgiving meal
a concept poem structured around the thanksgiving meal 〰️
Welcome to the Thanksgiving Menu-Poem. This project is a conceptual meal served as poetry for the thousands of friends I would love to have at our home on Thanksgiving Day.
This series began in 2002 with a Menu-Poem to honor Charles Bernstein, and since then this series engages Thanksgiving as the basis to celebrate poetry, poets, and the poetry community. Being a trained professional chef, I have blended my love of food and poetry into a book-length work as a feast of words and art to bring everyone a tiny bit closer together.
Thanksgiving 2017
That Poem What You Wrote
Guest of Honor : Steve McCaffery
This year our guest of honor is Steve McCaffery. This poem series represents a combination of sound and visual poetries as a tribute to the magnificent works he has created. This is his seventieth year and to celebrate this milestone mark in his life this year’s Thanksgiving menu is an extravagant affair. Since Steve was born in England, a traditional American Thanksgiving dinner would be a nice choice to celebrate but maybe not the best choice. Steve is very much a gourmand and since this feast is conceptual and our budget is imaginary I decided to make this an expensive, luxurious event. Included in this dinner are champagnes, caviar, fois gras, white truffles from Alba, jamón Ibérico, rare vintage wines, Armagnac and to top it all off we finish with a 50 year old whisky that retails for twenty five thousand dollars a bottle. I am sure you will agree that Steve deserves no less.
I hope you enjoy this meal, the menu and the poem. Have a Happy Thanksgiving!
Rockets, Geoffrey