All My Eggs Are Broken by Michael Basinski
We have choosen to have no blurbs on this book. This supreme gift of the artist should draw you in, like the noose around the neck.
We have choosen to have no blurbs on this book. This supreme gift of the artist should draw you in, like the noose around the neck.
We have choosen to have no blurbs on this book. This supreme gift of the artist should draw you in, like the noose around the neck.
We have choosen to have no blurbs on this book. This supreme gift of the artist should draw you in, like the noose around the neck.
This is the single greatest book I have had the pleasure to work on!
—Geoffrey Gatza
Michael Basinski is the curator of The Poetry Collection State University of New York at Buffalo. He performs his work as a solo poet and in ensemble with the EBMA and his own group, BuffFluxus. Among his many books of poetry are Heka (Factory School); Strange Things Begin to Happen When a Meteor Crashes in the Arizona Desert (Burning Press); The Idyllic Book (Michel Letko, Houston, Texas); Mool, Mool3Ghosts and Shards of Shampoo (Bob Cobbing's Writers Forum); Cnyttan and Heebie-Jeebies (Meow Press); By and The Doors (House Press); Un-Nome, Red Rain Two, Abzu and Flight to the Moon (Run Away Spoon Press): Poemeserss (Structum Press) and many more. Some are available at Small Press Distribution.
Book Information:
· Paperback: 136 pages
· Binding: Perfect-Bound
· Publisher: BlazeVOX [books] ( 2007 )
· ISBN: 1-934289-31-0