American Field Couches by Bill Freind
Bill Freind is the author of An Anthology (housepress, 2000). His poems have appeared in journals such as 88, Aught, Can we have our ball back, Combo, Jacket, and Spaltung. He lives near an abandoned golf course in South Jersey.
Bill Freind is the author of An Anthology (housepress, 2000). His poems have appeared in journals such as 88, Aught, Can we have our ball back, Combo, Jacket, and Spaltung. He lives near an abandoned golf course in South Jersey.
Bill Freind is the author of An Anthology (housepress, 2000). His poems have appeared in journals such as 88, Aught, Can we have our ball back, Combo, Jacket, and Spaltung. He lives near an abandoned golf course in South Jersey.
Bill Freind is the author of An Anthology (housepress, 2000). His poems have appeared in journals such as 88, Aught, Can we have our ball back, Combo, Jacket, and Spaltung. He lives near an abandoned golf course in South Jersey.
Book Information:
· Paperback: 70 pages
· Binding: Perfect-Bound
· Publisher: BlazeVOX [books]
· ISBN: 1-934289-57-4