Automatic Zygote by Jonathan Huey


“Jonathan Huey has a terrific eye for detail.  The tender mercies of urban wildlife, the sweeping implications of history – and he does not miss that trash in the creek or those cops in the alley –amid it all the rangy, slightly bemused song of the poet.” Andrew Schelling

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“Jonathan Huey has a terrific eye for detail.  The tender mercies of urban wildlife, the sweeping implications of history – and he does not miss that trash in the creek or those cops in the alley –amid it all the rangy, slightly bemused song of the poet.” Andrew Schelling

“Jonathan Huey has a terrific eye for detail.  The tender mercies of urban wildlife, the sweeping implications of history – and he does not miss that trash in the creek or those cops in the alley –amid it all the rangy, slightly bemused song of the poet.” Andrew Schelling

“Jonathan Huey has a terrific eye for detail.  The tender mercies of urban wildlife, the sweeping implications of history – and he does not miss that trash in the creek or those cops in the alley –amid it all the rangy, slightly bemused song of the poet.  He wanders around as a modern day troubadour, reinventing ballads & blues & long Buddhist gathas.  I admire poetry that knows where it’s located, and you could use Huey’s book as a field guide to Boulder, Colorado, home these past four decades of so many noted poets.”

Andrew Schelling


"When trying to explain how much I like Mr. Huey's work, I feel like a tropical fish trying to explain how much I like monkeys.  I have enjoyed Jonathan's poetry for 10 years now, but as far as I'm concerned if this was the only thing he'd ever written there would be a place for him in the pantheon between Christopher Smart and that Feral Boy on the Moon that Ted Berrigan was talking about, "People of the Future" watch out here he is.  I'd like to join my predecessors in welcoming Jonathan at the beginning of a great career & I (like Forrest Gump) just have one more thing to say & that is: Zygote!”

—Tom Peters

Jonathan Witherspoon Huey is a student at the Jack Kerouac School of Disembodied Poetics. Some of his older work can be found in the anthology Poets From Penny Lane, & more recent work in Berkeley Poetry Review #40.  When relieved of his duties as a dishwasher & barista , he works on an utterly mad second manuscript which will (at long last) bring the wrath of America’s dandelions to the fore of the national consciousness.

Book Information:

· Paperback: 100 pages
· Binding: Perfect-Bound
· Publisher: BlazeVOX [books]
· ISBN: 978-1-60964-018-7