Big Bright Sun by Nate Pritts


His poems quietly say disquieting things, carefully, patiently, for the love of poetry.  —Dara Wier

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His poems quietly say disquieting things, carefully, patiently, for the love of poetry.  —Dara Wier

His poems quietly say disquieting things, carefully, patiently, for the love of poetry.  —Dara Wier

Nate Pritts’ Big Bright Sun probably feels so thoroughly lived because reading it feels so like living in it. Robert Creeley wrote that for him in poems “the world came true.” In these poems the world comes true. And how! All this sky glued to the trees and the world surface by the resin of sun-soaked American speech! You can feel this book poised listening to itself and all the light, sound, thought and feeling passing through it. Passing through on its way towards all its directly addressed others, us readers included. “Let’s be everlasting today,” this book, at one point early on, proposes. Let’s.

—Anthony McCann


Nate Pritts is trying to do right by the people he loves. To do this he has to locate his heart in relation to something huge and far away and unreachable: his big bright sun, our own point of reference, what we really cannot literally live without. His poems quietly say disquieting things, carefully, patiently, for the love of poetry.

—Dara Wier



NATE PRITTS is the author of three full-length books of poems - The Wonderfull Yeare (Cooper Dillon Books, 2010), Honorary Astronaut (Ghost Road Press, 2008) & Sensational Spectacular (BlazeVOX, 2007).  His poetry & prose have been published widely, both online & in print, in journals such as The Southern Review, Jacket, Gulf Coast, DIAGRAM, Rain Taxi Review of Books, Octopus, & Forklift, Ohio among many others. He is the founder & principal editor of H_NGM_N & H_NGM_N BKS.

Book Information:

· Paperback: 100 pages
· Binding: Perfect-Bound
· Publisher: BlazeVOX [books]
· ISBN: 978-1-60964-020-0