Embankments | Outtakes | Uppercuts by Richard Owens


Embankments | Outtakes | Uppercuts brings together three discrete constellations of divers lyric constructions that testify with alacritas to the bullbaiting, cockfighting and bear beating of the present moment.

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Embankments | Outtakes | Uppercuts brings together three discrete constellations of divers lyric constructions that testify with alacritas to the bullbaiting, cockfighting and bear beating of the present moment.

Embankments | Outtakes | Uppercuts brings together three discrete constellations of divers lyric constructions that testify with alacritas to the bullbaiting, cockfighting and bear beating of the present moment.

Embankments | Outtakes | Uppercuts brings together three discrete constellations of divers lyric constructions that testify with alacritas to the bullbaiting, cockfighting and bear beating of the present moment. In no ways molested or prejudiced for perswuasion, the songs collected here work to ease the good weights of man and beast in their dayly common labour. Frequent to maintain. Qualefied. Trust in the vertiginous offices of their affection.




Richard Owens is the author of Delaware Memoranda (BlazeVOX 2008) and Embankments (Interbirth 2009). Ballads and a second draft of Delaware Memoranda are forthcoming. He currently resides with his family in Scarborough, Maine.


Book Information:

· Paperback: 114 pages
· Binding: Perfect-Bound
· Publisher: BlazeVOX [books]
· ISBN: 978-1-60964-037-8