Epigramititis : 118 Living American Poets by Kent Johnson


"Thanks for sending me the epigrams.* Superb. It's about time for something of the sort, I'd say, what with the ass licking that rules the day. Especially the ass-licking that some ass-lickers want to pass off as "avant-garde confrontation." My salute... And as to your question, well, yeah, absolutely: Olson, if he'd lived to see what has happened, would have loved these." — Ed Dorn

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"Thanks for sending me the epigrams.* Superb. It's about time for something of the sort, I'd say, what with the ass licking that rules the day. Especially the ass-licking that some ass-lickers want to pass off as "avant-garde confrontation." My salute... And as to your question, well, yeah, absolutely: Olson, if he'd lived to see what has happened, would have loved these." — Ed Dorn

"Thanks for sending me the epigrams.* Superb. It's about time for something of the sort, I'd say, what with the ass licking that rules the day. Especially the ass-licking that some ass-lickers want to pass off as "avant-garde confrontation." My salute... And as to your question, well, yeah, absolutely: Olson, if he'd lived to see what has happened, would have loved these." — Ed Dorn

"Thanks for sending me the epigrams.* Superb. It's about time for something of the sort, I'd say, what with the ass licking that rules the day. Especially the ass-licking that some ass-lickers want to pass off as "avant-garde confrontation." My salute... And as to your question, well, yeah, absolutely: Olson, if he'd lived to see what has happened, would have loved these."

    Ed Dorn

* from a response by Dorn to a batch of the first epigrams, sent to him in early 1999.


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Book Information:

· Paperback: 266 pages
· Binding: Perfect-Bound
· Publisher: BlazeVOX [books]
(February 2006)
· ISBN: 0975922785

118 American Poets

Stanley Kunitz
Charles Simic
David Antin
Jorie Graham
Bruce Andrews
Charles Bernstein
Robert Pinsky
David Lehman
Stephen Burt
Nada Gordon
John Ashbery
Kenneth Koch
David Wojahn
Jackson Mac Low
Mark Wallace
Jim Chapson
Kevin Killian
Henry Gould
Susan Howe
John Beer
Chris Stroffolino
Carl Thayler
Jordan Davis
Ann Lauterbach
Philip Whalen
Tan Lin
Eliot Weinberger
Gwyn McVay
Alan Sondheim
Linda Gregg
Jack Gilbert
Eileen Myles
Kasey Silem Mohammad
Tom Mandel
Graham Foust
Christopher Daniels
Clayton Eshleman
Eleni Sikelianos
Michael Palmer
David Shapiro
Robert Bly
Lyn Lifshin
Juliana Spahr
Dale Smith
Katy Lederer
Brian Kim Stefans
W.S. Merwin
Loss Pequeno Glazier
Rachel Loden
Scott Pierce
Pierre Joris
Gary Sullivan
Robert Creeley
Mei-mei Bressenbruge
Ron Padgett
Steve Evans
John Latta
Howard McCord
Barbara Guest
Jennnifer Moxley
James Tate
Alan Davies
John Bradley
Ron Silliman
John Wilkinson
Marjorie Welish
Geoffrey Gatza
Kenward Elmslie
John Yau
Will Alexander
Jack Kimball
The Poet Laureate
Helen Adam
Joe Safdie
Robert Grenier
Jacques Debrot
Andrew Felsinger
Dodie Bellamy
Andrei Codrescu
Amiri Baraka
Barrett Watten
Stephen Ellis
Mark Nowak
Maria Damon
Rod Smith
Hoa Nguyen
David Bromige
Lyn Hejinian
Peter Gizzi
Carolyn Forche
Chris Alexander
Sianne Ngai
Aldon Nielsen
Chris Murray
Joe Wenderoth
Anthony Robinson
Joe Napora
John Wieners
Craig Dworkin
Lisa Jarnot
Fanny Howe
Norman Fischer
Dan Featherstone
Patrick Herron
Bill Luoma
Joseph Duemer
Diane Wakoski
Gary Snyder
Ray Di Palma
Catherine Daly
Hank Lazer
Louise Gluck
Carlo Pacelli
Russell Edson
Michael Magee
Dean Young
Leslie Scalapino
The Epigramatist


Kent Johnson on BlazeVOX

Flash poems

Poem Upon a Typo Found in an Interview of Kenneth Koch, Conducted by David Shapiro

Lyric Poetry After Auschwitz, or: ' Get the Hood Back On'
poem on the Abu Ghraib prison matter

MP3 poems

Baghdad [ Flash MP3 ]

Basra Exceeds its Object [ MP3 ]

August 30, 1926 [ MP3 ]

(From: the unpublished letters of Araki Yasusada)