Maps for Jackie by Jason Labbe


Jason Labbe’s wonderfully moving and inventive collection Maps for Jackie is an open journey into desire and its fathomlessness. Though the poems dislocate between something and nothing, it’s a loving ride where “waking finds / morning the inmost warp / in space time.” The book is filled with impeccable craft. It’s a terrific work and worth the trip. I’m on board. —PETER GIZZI

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Jason Labbe’s wonderfully moving and inventive collection Maps for Jackie is an open journey into desire and its fathomlessness. Though the poems dislocate between something and nothing, it’s a loving ride where “waking finds / morning the inmost warp / in space time.” The book is filled with impeccable craft. It’s a terrific work and worth the trip. I’m on board. —PETER GIZZI

Jason Labbe’s wonderfully moving and inventive collection Maps for Jackie is an open journey into desire and its fathomlessness. Though the poems dislocate between something and nothing, it’s a loving ride where “waking finds / morning the inmost warp / in space time.” The book is filled with impeccable craft. It’s a terrific work and worth the trip. I’m on board. —PETER GIZZI

How indeed, in a fraught and decentered world, can one “map the illegible?” A world where all things oscillate between the light and the dark? Where the inner life and the outer life struggle toward reconciliation, or at least some semblance of balance? Where the subsurface of “any residential neighborhood” harbors sexual/textual tensions that threaten the very means of communication? To address, or make manifest, such questions, and their attendant passions, Labbe employs a radically expressionistic and often disjunctive language that defies our commonplace methods of observation and perception. Here the map and the territory engage in a contention that is both surprising and enlightening to witness.


Jason Labbe’s wonderfully moving and inventive collection Maps for Jackie is an open journey into desire and its fathomlessness. Though the poems dislocate between something and nothing, it’s a loving ride where “waking finds / morning the inmost warp / in space time.” The book is filled with impeccable craft. It’s a terrific work and worth the trip. I’m on board.


Here’s Whitman as frequency, as force, as Emersonian truth-value. America…. Labbe is unrelenting in his focus on the friction between metaphor and referent, medium and meaning.


Jason Labbe’s first book of poems, Spleen Elegy, came out in 2017. His work has appeared in Poetry, Conjunctions, Denver Quarterly, Boston Review, A Public Space, The Brooklyn Rail, and several chapbooks. He is a musician and divides his nights between Bethany, Connecticut and Brooklyn, New York.

Book Information:

· Paperback: 112 pages
· Binding: Perfect-Bound
· Publisher: BlazeVOX [books]
· ISBN: 978-1-60964-362-1