Ongoing Repairs to Something Significant by Linda King


Linda King’s new collection is filled with poems that reflect on their own making, considering the rules of narrative with wit, subtlety, and grace. Here you will find language interrogated from within its most familiar structures, singing all the while with difficult and necessary music. Her work surprises and gratifies with its syntactic denseness, its wild associative leaps. King is a poet to watch. —Kristina Marie Darling

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Linda King’s new collection is filled with poems that reflect on their own making, considering the rules of narrative with wit, subtlety, and grace. Here you will find language interrogated from within its most familiar structures, singing all the while with difficult and necessary music. Her work surprises and gratifies with its syntactic denseness, its wild associative leaps. King is a poet to watch. —Kristina Marie Darling

Linda King’s new collection is filled with poems that reflect on their own making, considering the rules of narrative with wit, subtlety, and grace. Here you will find language interrogated from within its most familiar structures, singing all the while with difficult and necessary music. Her work surprises and gratifies with its syntactic denseness, its wild associative leaps. King is a poet to watch. —Kristina Marie Darling

Linda King’s new collection is filled with poems that reflect on their own making, considering the rules of narrative with wit, subtlety, and grace. Here you will find language interrogated from within its most familiar structures, singing all the while with difficult and necessary music. Her work surprises and gratifies with its syntactic denseness, its wild associative leaps. King is a poet to watch.

—Kristina Marie Darling, author of DARK HORSE and THE DISAPPOINTMENT ACTS

Linda King’s poems work on a high wire act of language, a balancing beam of sentences, always on the verge of falling off into an existential void, at the last moment saved by a new reality her magic words succeed in making uniquely her own. Her lines show a nervous, restless agitation, a risky love of language and life --- a risk, for the reader, well worth taking.

—Wade Stevenson, author of “The Absence Of The Loved”

In examining her own creative process, Linda King leads us down “language’s exit ramp” into the country of trance. Having “bellow[ed] for angels,” she acknowledges the need to merge in a shamanic way with the elements of language, her “drug of choice.” Fellow poets will recognize the power of that drug and will acknowledge the loneliness and ultimate triumph that it confers.

—Anne-Adele Wight, author of The Age of Greenhouses

Linda King is the author of Dream Street Details and Reality Wayfarers both from Shoe Music Press. Her poems have appeared in numerous literary journals in Canada and internationally.

She lives and writes by the sea on The Sunshine Coast of British Columbia.

Book Information:

· Paperback: 78 pages
· Binding: Perfect-Bound
· Publisher: BlazeVOX [books]
· ISBN: 978-1-60964-288-4