Reflections Of Hostile Revelries by Jennifer C. Wolfe


Jennifer C. Wolfe’s new collection Reflections of Hostile Revelries is the voice in our heads that needs to be spoken. In this progressive work, Wolfe targets our richest and most powerful enemies addressing their essential flaws and epic mistakes while reminding the reader these are the exact people running our countries. Reflections of Hostile Revelries is direct and honest oral poetics and will leave you tired, but eager to read on. —Jordan Antonucci

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Jennifer C. Wolfe’s new collection Reflections of Hostile Revelries is the voice in our heads that needs to be spoken. In this progressive work, Wolfe targets our richest and most powerful enemies addressing their essential flaws and epic mistakes while reminding the reader these are the exact people running our countries. Reflections of Hostile Revelries is direct and honest oral poetics and will leave you tired, but eager to read on. —Jordan Antonucci

Jennifer C. Wolfe’s new collection Reflections of Hostile Revelries is the voice in our heads that needs to be spoken. In this progressive work, Wolfe targets our richest and most powerful enemies addressing their essential flaws and epic mistakes while reminding the reader these are the exact people running our countries. Reflections of Hostile Revelries is direct and honest oral poetics and will leave you tired, but eager to read on. —Jordan Antonucci

Jennifer C. Wolfe’s new collection Reflections of Hostile Revelries is the voice in our heads that needs to be spoken. In this progressive work, Wolfe targets our richest and most powerful enemies addressing their essential flaws and epic mistakes while reminding the reader these are the exact people running our countries. Reflections of Hostile Revelries is direct and honest oral poetics and will leave you tired, but eager to read on.

—Jordan Antonucci, Editor, Monkey Puzzle Press

“Jennifer Wolfe's second book, Reflections of Hostile Reveries, takes as its subject the American political landscape. In biting and often hilarious poems that spare no one, Wolfe skewers the absurdity and inanity of our politics and politicians. Everyone gets called out--from Sarah Palin to Barack Obama, from Chris Christie to the Supreme Court. Wolfe showcases her talents in a wide range of forms, from long-lined, discursive poems to haikus that burn in their intense seventeen syllables. This book demonstrates that poetry and politics make strange and wonderful bedfellows.""

—Cullen Bailey-Burns, Professor of English, Century College, White Bear Lake, MN.

Jennifer C. Wolfe is a forty-five year-old writer, who grew up in Maplewood, Minnesota and studied fiction writing and poetry at Century College in White Bear Lake. Ms. Wolfe has five previous publishing credentials: a poem “If” included within the Century College (White Bear Lake, MN) Spring 2008 Student Lounge literary magazine, along with two poems “St. Patrick’s Day” and “Roller Coaster,” published within the online edition of Scrambler Magazine, Issue 39, June 2010, a poem “Flower Child” published within the online edition of The Muse – An International Journal of Poetry, Issue 1, Volume 1, June, 2011, a poem “The Beauty of the Rain” published within the online edition of The Muse – An International Journal of Poetry, Issue 2, Volume 2, June, 2012 and two poems, “Old Friends” and “New Friends” published within the online edition of The Muse – An International Journal of Poetry, Issue 3, Volume 3, June, 2013. Ms. Wolfe is listed within the poetry Directory of Writers at the Poets & Writers online magazine.

Beginning in 2008, Ms. Wolfe formed a collaborative publishing bond with BlazeVox Books of New York, under the guidance and tutelage of editor, Geoffrey Gatza. Ms. Wolfe’s publishing credentials with the press are five poetry manuscripts, Kick the Stones: Everyday Hegemony, Empire, and Disillusionment published as an eBook by BlazeVox Books, New York, October 2008, Yukon Rumination: Great Fun for All in the Land of Sarah Palin’s Joe Sixpack Alaska, published as an eBook by BlazeVox Books, New York, June 2009, Healing Optimism, and Polarization, published as an eBook by BlazeVox Books, New York, February 2010, Somewhere Over the Pachyderm Rainbow: Living in an Elephant Controlled 2010 Election Diorama, published as a print book by BlazeVox Books, New York, May, 2011, and Reflections of Hostile Revelries, published as a print book by BlazeVox Books, New York, 2013.

Somewhere Over the Pachyderm Rainbow received literary acclaim as a 2011 Indie Lit nominee for poetry.

Reflections of Hostile Revelries is Ms. Wolfe’s second print publishing with BlazeVox Books, New York.

Book Information:

· Paperback: 108 pages
· Binding: Perfect-Bound
· Publisher: BlazeVOX [books]
· ISBN: 978-1-60964-152-8