The Sun Shows How it's Done by Sandy Olson Hill


Sandy Olson Hill writes hard-hitting poetic short stories. This book is dark and moving, and it never flinches from the really tough stuff. —Jeff Parker

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Sandy Olson Hill writes hard-hitting poetic short stories. This book is dark and moving, and it never flinches from the really tough stuff. —Jeff Parker

Sandy Olson Hill writes hard-hitting poetic short stories. This book is dark and moving, and it never flinches from the really tough stuff. —Jeff Parker

The Sun Shows How it's Done, zooms in on family in a series of inflamed vignettes; “patches of red thirst.” Hill's stories feel like emergencies, siren's songs of hallucinatory reels that take us into altered states of language; “motherly skins,” that are sometimes tender, sometimes vicious, but always immersive. Read this thrilling book.

—Vidhu Aggarwal, author of Daughter Isotope, Avatara, and The Trouble with Humpadori.

Sandy Olson Hill writes hard-hitting poetic short stories. This book is dark and moving, and it never flinches from the really tough stuff.

—Jeff Parker, author of Where Bears Roam The Streets and Ovenman.

The Sun Shows How It’s Done, Olson-Hill invites readers in a beautiful way into very intimate familial moments, framing experiences of worlds we forget exist. Her use of carefully chosen metaphors and eloquently constructed dialogue appropriately renders what some might consider unfortunate into treasures.

—Nicole Young-Martin, Performance Poet, Producer & Host of Black Writers Read.

Sandy Olson Hill’s a disabled artist, poet, writer, and a teaching artist. Prior to working as an Arts4All Florida Teaching Artist, Hill was a journalist for Beach life Publications in St. Pete, Florida. Hill was also a contributing journalist for The Heritage Florida Jewish News.

Hill’s been published extensively in prose, and poetry journals and has garnered numerous awards including The Academy of American Poet’s Prize, and the Open Doors Short Fiction Award.

Currently, as an Arts4All Florida Teaching Artist, Hill works in conjunction with educators, Lake County Schools, and virtually throughout Florida to facilitate literary and visual art residencies in Florida Schools. Additionally, as an animal advocate, Hill works with local animal rescue agencies to create a more empathetic and kinder planet for all sentient beings. Hill lives in Lake County with her family, two dogs and six cats.

Book Information:

· Paperback: 32 pages

· Binding: Perfect-Bound

· Publisher: BlazeVOX [books]

· ISBN: 978-1-60964-401-7