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Our books push at the frontiers of what is possible through innovative poetry, fiction, select non-fiction, and literary criticism.

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Wonderwork by Sandra Fees
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The Punishment Book The Complete Dark Shadows (of My Childhood), Book 4 by Tony Trigilio
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The Apostasy of Proxy Godbot (Volume VII: The Posthuman Series) by Daniel Y. Harris
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Chiaroscuros (Volume VIII, The Grammaton Series) by Irene Koronas
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I Want to Take You Everywhere by Cassandra Manzolillo
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The Visit by Ana T. Kralj
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American Outrage by H. L. Hix
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Bachelor Holiday by William Huhn
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Tender by Travis Cebula
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Cloud of Witnesses by Linda Norton
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SongBu®st by Stephen Bett
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Polaroids of Turbulence by Henry Sussman
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E P I L O G U E by Craig Watson, edited by Ted Pearson
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prairie)d by Garin Cycholl
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The Departure Sonatas by Wade Stevenson
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The Trapeze of Your Flesh by Charles Rammelkamp
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The Homesick Mortician by Peter Mladinic
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Kewalo Blues and Echoes by Gary Pak
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Via Crucis by Peter Siedlecki, art by Catherine Burchfield Parker
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Sleeping with Bashō by David Trinidad
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Alice Through the Working Class by Steve McCaffery, illustrations by Clelia Scala
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Ovid’s Creek by Sam Magavern, Art by Monica Angle
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As They Say by Robert Manery
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