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Our books push at the frontiers of what is possible through innovative poetry, fiction, select non-fiction, and literary criticism.


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Wonderwork by Sandra Fees
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The Punishment Book The Complete Dark Shadows (of My Childhood), Book 4 by Tony Trigilio
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The Apostasy of Proxy Godbot (Volume VII: The Posthuman Series) by Daniel Y. Harris
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Chiaroscuros (Volume VIII, The Grammaton Series) by Irene Koronas
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I Want to Take You Everywhere by Cassandra Manzolillo
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The Visit by Ana T. Kralj
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American Outrage by H. L. Hix
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Bachelor Holiday by William Huhn
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Tender by Travis Cebula
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SongBu®st by Stephen Bett
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Cloud of Witnesses by Linda Norton
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Polaroids of Turbulence by Henry Sussman
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E P I L O G U E by Craig Watson, edited by Ted Pearson
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prairie)d by Garin Cycholl
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The Departure Sonatas by Wade Stevenson
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The Trapeze of Your Flesh by Charles Rammelkamp
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The Homesick Mortician by Peter Mladinic
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Kewalo Blues and Echoes by Gary Pak
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Via Crucis by Peter Siedlecki, art by Catherine Burchfield Parker
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Sleeping with Bashō by David Trinidad
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As They Say by Robert Manery
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Ovid’s Creek by Sam Magavern, Art by Monica Angle
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I Named the Dragon for You by Nikki Ketteringham
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Disapparitions by Joseph Harrington
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Everything Turns On A Delicate Measure by Maureen Owen
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Sweet Boy by Matthew Petit
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Light at the End of the Word by Cheryl Pallant
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Having Broken, ARE by Evelyn Reilly
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Sleeping with Sappho by Stephen Vincent
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gnōstos by Irene Koronas (Volume VII, The Grammaton Series)
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The Metempsychosis of Salvador Dracu by Daniel Y. Harris (Volume VI of The Posthuman Series)
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Emotional Support Peacock by Nada Gordon
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Mingling Among by Paul Naylor
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Permission to Relax by Sheila E. Murphy
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Dominus by Tiffany Troy
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Overtures by Ted Pearson
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The Built World by George Albon
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Say It Into My Mouth by H. L. Hix
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Ad Hoc by Hayden Bergman
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Directed by Lilly Obscure by Dana Curtis
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Heretical Materialism: A Pasolini Triptych by George Fragopoulos
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Black and Yellow Notebooks by Stephen Ratcliffe
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Lexicartographies by Nicholas Alexander Hayes
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Men in Suits by Norman Fischer
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LAST by E.J. McAdams
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Contingencies of the Bourgeoisie by Grant Matthew Jenkins
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Devil-Fictions by Lance Phillips
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Girls’ Book of Knots by K. D. Harryman
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Sung: Ink in love & lust by Mick Raubenheimer
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In the Country of the Peregrine by Wade Stevenson
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The Lost Positive by Elizabeth Strauss Friedman
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Transcendence by Charles Rammelkamp
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Fragments of Fantastic Songs & Ninety-Nine Other Poems by Jorge Guitart
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Lilith Walks by Susan M. Schultz
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26 Tears by George Tysh / Chris Tysh
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To Hush All The Dead by William Allegrezza
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My Kinship With The Lotus Eaters by Lewis LaCook
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The Resurrection of Maximillian Pissante (Volume V: The Posthuman Series) by Daniel Y. Harris
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Siphonic (Volume VI, The Grammaton Series) by Irene Koronas
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Test Camp by Randy Prunty
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My Aunt’s Abortion by Jane Rosenberg LaForge
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within sky by Marcia Arrieta
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Uncertain Remains by Michael Boughn
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Interstellar Theme Park by Jack Skelley
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Babies by Emily Toder
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Slab Phases by Matt Turner
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Pieces by Hank Lazer
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Handbook for the Newly Disabled, A Lyric Memoir by Allison Blevins
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Rearview Mirror by Charles Borkhuis
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That Woman Could Be You by Vi Khi Nao + Jessica Alexander
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LIFT OFF: a journey of future tense by Stephen Bett
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Nightshades by Michael Gessner
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Sunday Double Suicide by Goro Takano
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The Real World by Emma Winsor Wood
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In Other Days by Roger Craik
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field recordings of mind in morning | poems: hank lazer music: holland hopson
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Love at the End by Wade Stevenson
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The Long Way Home by Leonard Gontarek
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The Breath by Cindy Savett
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Ghost / Landscape by Kristina Marie Darling & John Gallaher
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Women and Ghosts by Kristina Marie Darling
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Frances the Mute / The Bright Continent (A Diptych) by Kristina Marie Darling
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The Age of Greenhouses by Anne-Adele Wight
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Province of Numb Errs by Jared Schickling
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Inside The Walls of My Own House: The Complete Dark Shadows [of My Childhood] Book 2 by Tony Trigilio
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Stormy Mondays by Skip Fox
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Animated Landscape by Robert Gibbons
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Puddles of An Open by Paige Melin
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Stone by Naomi Buck Palagi
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The Distancing Effect by Maryam Monalisa Gharavi
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Die Die Dinosaur by Michael Sikkema
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Samsara Congeries by mIEKAL aND
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The Living Air by Masiela Lusha
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Übermütter's Death Dance by Laura Hinton
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Museum Hours by Michael Kelleher
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The Last Place I Lived by K. Alma Peterson
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Secret's Exhibition and Other Introventions by Vernon Frazer
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The Metaphysician's Daughter by Dick Ostrander
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And Others, Vaguer Presences by David Dodd Lee
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Her Body Listening by Cheryl Pallant
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Dead Ringer by Charles Borkhuis
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The Solace of Islands by Ansie Baird
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The Olfactions: Poems on Perfume by Anne Gorrick
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THE MERCURY POEM by Jared Schickling
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The Reganites: Vol 1 & Vol 2 by Tim Roberts
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Hurled Into Gettysburg by Theresa Wyatt
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Through a Certain Forest by Laura Madeline Wiseman
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Back Principles: a book of spiritual fatigue by Stephen Bett
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Lecture Notes- A Duration Poem in Twelve Parts by Deborah Meadows
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Spleen Elegy by Jason Labbe
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Of Some Sky by Joseph Harrington
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My Grunge of 1991 by Dennis Etzel Jr.
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My Next Heart: New Buffalo Poetry
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The Moon Blooms in Occupied Hours by Anis Shivani
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Ongoing Repairs to Something Significant by Linda King
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ANTHROPOCENOMA by Chuck Richardson
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Wave Particle Duality by Dana Curtis
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Excentrica: Notes on the Text by Steven C Reese
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Pickles & Jams by Cris Cheek
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Poetic Architecture by Kent Johnson
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Day by Kent Johnson & Geoffrey Gatza
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Epigramititis : 118 Living American Poets by Kent Johnson
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In Your Dreams by Ted Greenwald
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Inbox by Noah Eli Gordon
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having been blue for charity kari edwards
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An Apparently Impossible Adventure by Laura Madeline Wiseman
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Silent Whistle-Blowers by Goro Takano
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The Slip by George Tysh
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Minnows Small as Sixteenth Notes by Norma Kassirer edited by Ann Goldsmith and Edric Mesmer
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Gargantua by Jennie Cole
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archipelago counterpoint by Marcia Arrieta
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Limitless Tiny Boat by Ruth Danon
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Masks by Victor Coleman
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camera obscura by erica lewis
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Virtual Worlds Virtual People by Kay Porter Winfield
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All Beautiful & Useless by C. Kubasta
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Sidestep Catapult by Anne-Adele Wight
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New City by Scott Abels
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Rain Check Poems by Aaron Simon
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My Secret Wars of 1984 by Dennis Etzel, Jr.
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The Absence Of The Loved by Wade Stevenson
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Moon Talk by Wade Stevenson
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Dear You: A Memoir with Poems by Wade Stevenson
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Heisenberg’s Salon by Susan Lewis
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Un/Wired by Stephen Bett
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No Dimes for the Dancing Gypsies by Linda King
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UNRULY by Elysia Lucinda Smith
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Refugee: Six Rooms With Marc Chagall by Travis Cebula
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Light Reading by Stephan Delbos
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A Mountain Of Past Lives & Things I’ve Learned by Skyler Jaye
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Le Trouvère Prétendu by Peter Siedlecki
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The Mouth Of The Bay by Michael Ruby
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Parables For The Pouring Rain by Paul Sutton
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Five Sequences For The Country At Night by Mike Perrow
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Drink Me by Mary Kasimor
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Antibodies in the Alphabet by Linda King
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What A Bicycle Can Carry by Laura Madeline Wiseman
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Guides, Translators, Assistants, Porters a polyvocal American epic minus the details by Jared Schickling
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Everything Seems Significant by Jan Bottiglieri
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Non Sequitur Syndrome by Goro Takano
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Analects by Michael Gessner
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Ten by Jennifer Firestone
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Madstones by Corey Mesler
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perimeter homespun by Marcia Arrieta
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Holyrit by Irene Koronas
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declivities by Irene Koronas
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The Rapture of Eddy Daemon: Volume I The Posthuman Series by Daniel Y. Harris
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The Reincarnation of Anna Phylactic (Volume III: The Posthuman Series) by Daniel Y. Harris
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The Tryst of Thetica Zorg Volume II: The Posthuman Series Daniel Y. Harris
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An Internet of Containment by Anne-Adele Wight
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Waste by Emily Toder
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Departed Quantities: (A) Quantum Epic by John Dolis
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For Love by Jared Schickling
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POEMS: now and then by Edric Mesmer
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The Exploding Nothingness of Never Define by Anne Tardos
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Songs of the Sun Amor by Wade Stevenson
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Going Head To Head by Wade Stevenson
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Ghosts of the Upper Floor: The Complete Dark Shadows (of My Childhood), Book 3 by Tony Trigilio
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Poems by Richard Owens
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Ante-Animots: Idioms and Tales by Nicholas Alexander Hayes
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Two Dreams of the Afterlife by Kelly Bancroft
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Boombox Serenade by Joey Nicoletti
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A Thousand Words and Others by George Tysh
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Maps for Jackie by Jason Labbe
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Occasion Poems by Diane Christian
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Derrida's In/Voice by Chris Tysh
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Robert Creeley on the Poet’s Work in conversation with & photographs by Bruce Jackson
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My ID by Bill Lavender
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Under the Impression by James Berger
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SALVAGE by Michael Basinski
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From the Lost Land (I-XII) by André Spears
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Xo - A Tale For The New Atlantis by André Spears
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SHRINKRAP, Litany in Quadraphony by André Spears
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Imported Poems by Diana Adams
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Against Misanthropy: A Life In Poetry (2015-1998) by Eileen Tabios
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Drink by Laura Madeline Wiseman
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